Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Image bank

(from the book Fashion Today)

In art class the other night my instructor introduced the idea of image banks.  He proceeded with a slide show of photographs that have inspired works of art (some by him, some by others).  Although I've never named my personal collection of saved jpeg. files and magazine clippings an image bank, I have been building this for quite some time.  For me, part of the fun in blogging is simply having a forum to share a few of those images or new ones that catch my eye.  I wish I could somehow make my binders and boxes of pictures magically digital to share. 

Fashion is beautiful in an also functional way, but my inspiring image bank is actually not all dresses and shoes.  All of my combined interests are equally part of who I am and when I feel like creating something, the result is ultimately, me.  Whether it ends up a thing of beauty or not isn't the point but perhaps the goal to work towards (hence the drawing class.  Fundamentals).  Everyone's list of things they find intriguing will be different and that uniqueness is where art comes from in the first place.  For example, I think the scapula is the most lovely bone in the body and quite mysterious, maybe I'll draw it and hang it on the wall.  Or maybe I'll draw some seahorses sitting on a power line as if they were a row of blackbirds because I love seahorses and also think power lines are fascinating. I don't know, probably not but you get the idea.  If someone I barely knew showed me a bunch of images that interest her, I'd likely be able to partly figure out who she is.  What we are drawn to visually can be far more autobiographical than a list of events or hobbies. 

(bones are interesting shapes. We are all a puzzle)
(ruffles can be beautiful lines)
(thanks to BIO 5 this now makes perfect sense. 
 The diagram explains how how you're kept alive)
(I usually don't like Margaret Keane, but I found this
 print of hers at a flea market and I think it's nice)
(paper dolls)
(aquarium 2 weeks ago)
(and then there's this)


Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's science

Currently watching a show about lightning on the Discovery channel while some boy is in the kitchen making oatmeal and bacon.  The crazy lightning video footage reminded me of an old favorite pastime, checking out NASA's image of the day.  I love anything related to science (if microscopes weren't so pricey I'd own one for sure) and these photographs are just amazing.  They make me feel so small. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

If I had some place to go.






So pretty.  Makes me want to get all dressed up.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fernando & Daniel

Innovative product design is always interesting to me.  So are Crayola products. Here, artist/designer Fernando Brizio of Lisbon uses felt-tip markers to create marks on unfinished pottery and fabric.

 his pencil fence...

This piece is by Daniel Eatock of the UK.  He arranged markers on 500 sheets of paper and left it to bleed for one month.  He ended up with this.

The ink leaked through 73 of the sheets and he sold them all, prices ranging high to low depending on the paper's order in the stack.  Easiest cash he ever made I'm sure.  I think I'm gonna go take the caps off some pens and leave them around my apartment now.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Sundays

Baby it's cold outside

I'm currently looking out the window and all I see is gray.  I want a fire and a big capey sweater immediately.  I have my eye on one in particular but the price tag is equal to or greater than a month's rent so, maybe some other time.  On a related note my birthday's coming up and I'm buying myself a new winter coat. 
How exciting...


Spanish Moss (nice garters)

Sweaters found here, here, here, and here. I just wanna be cozy.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Recent hearts


{Texted from my little sister where she lives}

{Near my workplace through a window}

{Outside a downtown cafe}

La Jolla shores
Sent via phone from a dear friend
{I miss} 
